New look d15 Design website
Thanks to the power of WordPress
It’s always good to realise that as you get a bit older you don’t loose the capacity to learn new things (old dogs, new tricks and all that). So it’s always helpful to regularly update your knowledge base, especially when your field of expertise is changing at an alarming rate, what with the constant improvements in technology and more expansive software applications – it’s often hard to keep up!
Thankfully some areas of design, rather than becoming more complex, are seeking to embrace a larger audience through simplicity and ease of use. The WordPress community is testament to this with its ever increasing fan base who have recognised it’s friendly end user styling and interface. There seems to be something for everyone, from the ease of a basic blog, to the complexity of a full blown e-commerce website.
I wanted a new look d15 Design website, clean and simple, so I went for something on the edge of easy for my first WordPress project, and since my website was in need of some renovation, it seem a good place to start. There is, as always, some background reading to do regarding what’s required before you dive in – host servers, mysql database, WordPress administration sofware – and all that. But once you’ve chosen you your template from one of the WordPress libraries (I used Themeforest and the work of kriesi) and have uploaded it your your host server, your not far from having a website that you have complete control over and which gives you the flexibility to expand it’s capacity as your requirements change and or grow.
I wouldn’t say that the process was all plain sailing, but I’m very pleased with the results.